Eggshell Calcium Powder


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Tilley’s Farm Eggshell Calcium Powder: Nature’s Pure Source of Calcium

Discover the natural abundance of calcium with Tilley’s Farm Eggshell Calcium Powder, crafted from the cleaned and dehydrated eggshells of our happy, free-roaming chickens. Our commitment to sustainability and minimizing waste led us to create this nutrient-rich powder from a byproduct of our farm-fresh eggs.

Nature’s Richness in Every Spoonful: Our eggshell calcium powder is a pure and natural source of this essential mineral. Harvested from the eggshells of our well-cared-for chickens, it offers a bioavailable and easily absorbable form of calcium that’s free from artificial additives or preservatives.

Sustainable and Health-Conscious: By repurposing eggshells that would otherwise be discarded, we’ve created a sustainable way to provide a valuable source of calcium. This eco-friendly approach reflects our commitment to reducing waste while promoting health and wellness.

Versatile and Nutrient-Packed: Tilley’s Farm Eggshell Calcium Powder is a versatile addition to your daily routine. Whether added to smoothies, baked goods, or simply incorporated into your meals, it enhances your diet with the calcium needed to support bone health and overall well-being.

Why Choose Tilley’s Farm Eggshell Calcium Powder?

  • Pure and Natural: Our powder is created solely from cleaned and dehydrated eggshells, ensuring a natural and unadulterated source of calcium.
  • Sustainable Farming: We embrace sustainability by utilizing every resource available on our farm, minimizing waste, and promoting environmental responsibility.
  • Health Benefits: Boost your calcium intake naturally with our powder, supporting bone health and a balanced diet.

Nourish Your Body Naturally: Elevate your health and well-being with Tilley’s Farm Eggshell Calcium Powder. Embrace the benefits of a natural, nutrient-dense source of calcium that not only supports your health but also reflects our dedication to sustainability and the natural goodness our farm provides.

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1 lb, 5 lb, 10 lb